Monday, October 29, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007

I'm posting these picture not necessarily because I like them, but they have certain features that I liked. I was going for a 1930s cartoon character with this fellow. I like how his head came out, but his body is ugly. Real people should wear gloves and shorts and giant shoes with no shirt.

The lion came out with some good line variations. I don't know what kind of critter he's getting scolded by. I hope that I can keep trying to get some of the crazy liveliness into my more finished artwork.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Tin Boxes A-Plenty!

Hi-dilly-ho, neglectarinos! I need to put more sketches on here. But I'm too lazy to scan and I don't like doing digital sketches. I even tried to color this sketch digitally but it looked horrid so nuts to that.
This probably needs some explanation (if you already get it, you're a genius!) In India, I guess most office workers like to eat homemade meals, out of tin cylinders. A wife or mom or someone makes the lunch, and a person called a dabbawalla collects a bunch of cylinders and delivers them. I saw a documentary on them once; it's a very complicated system but they almost never make mistakes and are very punctual. So in my world, a double-wattled cassowary got a job as a dabbawalla!

I got a vintage tin recipe box to put stuff in. I think I'll keep my gouache in it and be the coolest person ever.
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