Oops, 5 weeks with no posts. For the holiday season, a Christmas wrasse and a reindeer wrasse. I've seen Christmas wrasses in Hawaii; the other is actually a juvenile, the adults don't look as cool. Gouache on a piece of my precious blue paper.
Happy Day of the Dead! La Catrina, the owl monkey skeleton, would like a sugar skull. Had to upload a tiny version for now, stupid picture loader thing.
A pretty artless week for me. All I've got is this doodle of a cave horse. Lots of ideas floating around in my head, I'll try to get something done and posted soon.
Sorry I had to upload it in pieces, the file of the whole picture together was too big I guess.
Everybody knows that crocodiles have to spin around to take bites of food, right? Right?? A quick comic, done with a sepia Micron that I bought but used once. Marvel at how the character designs change in every panel! I don't like trying to come up with hand and arm positions.
Indus River dolphins (AKA susu) are very endangered. They have tiny eyes since they live in murky water. Do they still have this type of eye test? You hold a black plastic spoon-looking thing over an eye and indicate which way the E is pointing with your hand.
I wanted kind of a monochromatic picture; I used blues, greens, and sepia (though I threw in some pink). I don't know how that eye chart is staying up either.
I'm like the wittiest person ever! A Cape Fox, wearing a cape! I was going for that pose Dracula does sometimes, with the cape over an arm, over his face. It looks more like a one-armed fox wearing a lumpy scarf. Sketch using watercolor (and imagination....)
I bought some scrapbooking cardstock since it was on sale, to try to see if it would be good for drawing on. I made some gouache doggies and a lobster on it, before I figured that it's too thin for art. Behold the wonders of Havannah Lake!
I felt like drawing a mariachi, so I did. Note to self: next time, do research and find reference pictures of mariachi costumes. And of how to hold a guitar. And of what a guitar looks like.
I've been meaning to update for a few days but haven't had the time. I'm making 2 posts, since I have a hard time figuring out the spacing of stuff when I try to put more than one picture in the same post.
The phrase "squid and whistle" popped into my head the other day. I thought it sounded like the name of an English pub, maybe it is and my brain just remembered it. Anyway, here's my sketch of the whole thing.
I saw some Watusi cattle yesterday. Their horns are HUGE! And they were a pretty burgundy color with white speckles. One walked up to me; he had the usual cow expression, but I was scared he was going to poke my eye out!
I should've brought a bigger sketchbook. Once I drew the head I kept running out of room for the body.
Painting with watercolor without a drawing first is haaaard. There are a jillion anatomy errors, but I kinda like this sketchbook picture. It's an Australian griffin; Major Mitchell's cockatoo and quoll (also known as a native cat). Oh I'm so clever.
Poor lesser flamingos, they're always ignored. They have cool fluorescent pink legs and maroon stripy beaks; more people should draw them! I think birds look so cute when they puff up and scratch their heads with their feet like cats. Watercolor, based on a sketch I did of a flamingo at the LA Zoo.
I've always liked Disneyland's old attraction posters, the stylized ones with limited color palettes. This picture was also inspired by travel posters from the 20s and 30s (which I guess might be what inspired Disney artists). I used acrylic on illustration board for the background, then gouache for the bontebok family watching a plane come in.
A mongoose advertises his new favorite movie. I bought a Copic inking pen that doesn't work as well as the tester pen. You have to kind of move slowly and press down hard, while I like working fast and lightly. Oh well.
I made a sketch of a half owl/half goat that I titled the Hootenanny. After a bit of redesigning, here she is in watercolor and colored pencil. I know goats don't really eat cans, but maybe these creatures do.
Here's the deal: sharks continue to lose their teeth through their entire life, with rows of new ones waiting to roll out. So I thought that the Shark Toothfairy would have a rough job. Watercolor sketch; those are supposed to be shark teeth dropping out the bottom of the bag.
I've been trying to pick up a pencil and move it around on paper every day. I think I use sketching differently than many other people. I like to try out weird new styles and experiment. Most of my doodles aren't very detailed or finished, but sometimes that kind of drawing is more satisfying than one that you spend a lot of time on. Here's a strange mullet-y guy, an off-balance swimsuit lady (drawn with my favorite purple pencil), confused fishy, and dancing gecko.